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I Had Coronavirus

I had a very mild case of Covid-19, also called:

The Trump Virus


To honor him, of course.

Early on in his reign, the former game show host eliminated the National Security Council pandemic unit and cut funding to the Centers for Disease Control. No money for that! Must pay for tax breaks for the rich!

Even though the Obama administration told incoming Trump officials how to handle a pandemic — because that’s what’s done when a new president takes office — that failed.


The game show host got rid of most of the people who were at that briefing.


They were not Monica Lewinskying him. Figuratively not literally.

He Was Warned, But . . .

The USofA still had a shot at being prepared for this pandemic.

If the Clown-In-Chief had taken action when warned in January and February and done his f*cking job, f*cking got hospitals and tests, potential treatments organized, we might not be facing the economic collapse that will come from shutting down business to stop the spread of coronavirus infections.

But the damaged brain of the pathological narcissist prevents him from caring about others. His time is spent tricking people into swooning over him. Blind adoration is the only thing that makes him feel safe.

Getting lots of infighting going helps. Undermine everyone to stay on top. That’s why this particular pathological narcissist was a great game show host. Plus his TV show’s production staff’s job was to make him look really freaking smart. He’s not. Sigh.

A propped-up, second-rate entertainer does not a great leader make.

It’s Never His Fault

After he said coronavirus was a hoax, the Clown-In-Chief blamed the CDC and Barack Obama for lack of coronavirus testing.

To prove how much he doesn’t care about you and me — even though that is his job — he told state governors to get their own medical equipment and ventilators.

Then he made a speech about the big white ships with the crosses that are coming to save New York and California. He likes to talk to us like we are kindergartners. It’s very distracting. It makes some people feel safe, like he is their dad.


WTF is Going Awn

Now, we have no idea how many people in this country actually have Covid-19 because testing is not available. Not yet.

Now, healthcare workers don’t have the right face masks to avoid contracting this highly contagious disease. They are being told to use a scarf or bandanna to protect themselves. WTF. The first thing you learn in nursing school is to have the proper f*cking protective gear. A f*cking fashion accessory is not it.

As a professional patient with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, an inherited condition of pain, fatigue and suffering which will never go away, my blood is boiling with rage.

I get to live my life because of the excellent help I have gotten from health care providers and pharmaceuticals. I care about those people. We need them. They deserve to stay safe. I am f*cking pissed. And f*cking worried sick about all of them.

My Case of Covid-19

I pay tons of attention to my stupid body and all the dumb annoying overblown signals it sends me as it chronically malfunctions, so I can manage it and make the best decisions for it.

I am so good at this, I don’t need to waste time meditating or being mindful. I can devote it all to my me-me-me blog.

I am especially aware of my immunity because all my life I get sick so easily. And stay sick. Often with lung infections. I have been terrified of getting coronavirus.

Luckily, I have been experiencing a period of what felt like very high immunity and robust health. Like, I have never felt better in all my life.

How did this happen?

After I broke my foot last year — which was awful — I got referred for high-powered laser treatments to help it heal. I asked the doctor to do other problem areas like my entire spine and my old knee injury because why not.

The doctor was happy to. He says his EDS patients are among the best responders.

When I told the doctor my immunity has felt reallllllly high lately, he said I was not imagining it, the lasering would have an effect on white blood cells. Or something like that. Can’t remember exactly how he put it.

But I do more.

For months now, I have been injecting lots of C, sometimes four times as much as usual because my foot injury was so bad. I inject C every day. You know why. You read my blog.

Oh wait, you’re new here?

Okay. I inject Ascorbic Acid everyday because for reasons unknown it made my horrible case of Hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos (2017 Criteria) not so bad.

Been doing this for 7+ years.

Got off heavy pain meds. 

Exercise pretty much everyday.

Traveled the world. Grieved the years of disability. Went back to work.

I still have EDS. It just doesn’t take me down.

And now, all medical modalities work much better. Before injecting C, they would mostly splat.

Clearly intramuscular delivery of Vitamin C is compensating for whatever unknown genetic defect causes my case of hEDS. Note: I did not have these benefits from oral C.

Vitamin C is essential for collagen production and healing. It also is needed to fight infection.

But I do more.

Naltrexone in low doses is profound for immunity. When I started on LDN almost 3 years ago, I stopped getting every cold that floated by. It was awesome, made my life so much better.

Then recently . . .

I had this stretch of days when I had a sore throat, shortness of breath, spasmy dry cough. I never had that combination of symptoms before. It wasn’t like when I have gotten pneumonia or had allergies. I was severely cranky as I get only when I’m sick. I looked sick. I felt rundown, not like exercising, like eating all the time (another sign I’m sick, especially sugar, I ate at ton of oreos) and very afraid. It was all really weird. I kept telling Mr. Pennington I expected to wake up very, very sick with “it.” But symptoms passed in a few days. I thought I was being ridiculous and a hypochondriac.

This was before all hell broke loose and Governor Newsom — who is a qualified leader — shut down the State of California.

I made some calls and found out someone I’d been in close contact with just a week before had later gotten a positive lab for Covid-19. She was elderly, so they gave her a test.

Others there that day went into strict quarantine. No one told me. Sigh.

I’m not surprised because humans go into denial about bad medical news. It makes us feel so powerless. People don’t want blame. They’d rather ignore stuff. Oh well.

Oddly, on that same day I was with the later-confirmed infected person, Mr. Pennington was out with a friend who oddly also has EDS. He had just gotten over what had been a month long sickness.

He texted:

Thought it was the flu. It was weird. Much malaise. Fever 100 - 101. Uncontrollable cough. No chest congestion. Someone at work legit asked me if I was ok. Which is weird in la.

Was that Covid-19? Sounds like it. Our friend still would have been contagious. Oops. Maybe Mr. Pennington carried that home to me. Who knows. Mr. Pennington hasn’t been sick at all. He’s a very healthy guy. Not everyone gets it in an epidemic. 

Studies from what happened in China suggest that most cases of Covid-19 were mild. Many didn’t even know they had it. Some had a strong, swift immune response and recovered quickly. Did I?

Silently Spreading

Per this NPR article, reports in Italy suggest the coronavirus had been circulating there since November and December.

Indeed, I have two other friends here in LA who had a mysterious, very long, awful respiratory flu, one in December and another in February. So perhaps Covid-19 arrived last year and has been amping up for a while.

I hope that as a leaderless nation, we have done our quarantines in time to prevent what happened in Italy.

If so it would be thanks to the work of governors and local officials.

No thanks to the clown in the White House, star of his own show, where we exist only to admire him. We aren’t real humans with needs. No one is to a malignant narcissist.

We’d know what’s going on if there were some f*cking tests. Sigh.

I have two questions.

Wouldn’t I have some immunity to coronavirus now?

When can I go back to work?